Morapedi expresses desire to stay as Rollers coach

WILLING TO STAY: Township Rollers head coach, Innocent Morapedi PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE
WILLING TO STAY: Township Rollers head coach, Innocent Morapedi PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE

FRANCISTOWN: Township Rollers mentor, Innocent Morapedi, has expressed desire continue as head coach next season. He was speaking after Popa recorded a narrow 1-0 victory against TAFIC in a season closing match played at the Obed Itani Chilume on Saturday afternoon.

It was Rollers' fifth straight win in the league. They finished second on the log standings, a point behind Jwaneng Galaxy who clinched the league title over the weekend after amassing 65 points.

There have been questions regarding Morapedi’s stay at the club. Some have speculated that he might be fired if he does not win the league. Rollers started the season like a house on fire but later on experienced a slump. Even Morapedi partly attributed the team's failure to win the league to the mid-season slump. “I also read about speculations that I will be fired.

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Respect public institutions Mr Pres

Leaders must uphold the rule of law and ensure justice, but Masisi’s remarks raise serious concerns on the separation of powers and the independence of the justice system.Masisi’s claim that he personally instructed authorities not to handcuff Khama, regardless of the legal circumstances, undermines the principles of justice and equality before the law.As Head of State, Masisi should respect the judicial process and avoid interfering in...

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