Hockey team disqualified from Africa Cup

DISQUALIFIED: Botswana Women's Hockey team
DISQUALIFIED: Botswana Women's Hockey team

The Botswana Hockey team was disqualified from the Indoor Africa Cup for failing to show up for the competition, which was held in Swakopmund, Namibia, over the weekend.

The tournament proceeded with three countries; Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Both the SPAR South Africa indoor women’s team and the South Africa hockey men’s team powered by Tops SPAR, were awarded 5-0 forfeit victories on the opening day of the tournament on Friday.

The decision came after Botswana was unable to honour the fixture due to the travel difficulties.

Editor's Comment
Respect public institutions Mr Pres

Leaders must uphold the rule of law and ensure justice, but Masisi’s remarks raise serious concerns on the separation of powers and the independence of the justice system.Masisi’s claim that he personally instructed authorities not to handcuff Khama, regardless of the legal circumstances, undermines the principles of justice and equality before the law.As Head of State, Masisi should respect the judicial process and avoid interfering in...

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