Motor Centre Bounces Back To Sponsor Tennis

BTA president , Amanze (centre) addresses affiliates PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO
BTA president , Amanze (centre) addresses affiliates PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO

Car dealer, Motor Centre will sponsor this year’s edition of Botswana Open after a year’s absence. Botswana Tennis Association (BTA) president, Nelson Amanze told the association’s Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) in Gaborone on Saturday that Motor Centre is back but did not divulge the finer details of the sponsorship.

“We are happy to welcome them back after we had some constraints last year. We tied a knot with them and we would reveal the figures at the right time,” he said.

In 2014, Motor Centre sponsored the tournament to the tune of P160,000. The winners in the male and female singles pocketed P10,000 and P6,000 respectively.

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