Modongo Continues To Haunt BAFS

Fencers in action
Fencers in action

The ghost of former president, Gaolatwe Modongo continues to haunt Botswana Amateur Fencing Society (BAFS). This came to the fore during the club’s annual general meeting that was held yesterday at the President Hotel.

BAFS president, Mandla Masuku told the meeting that Modongo keeps threatening the society with lawsuits. He said such interferences make them uneasy and that they are a drawback. However, Masuku said with a strong team he has, they have come up with a strategic plan.
“As your leaders we would not like to say much when you do not see our work,” he said. Masuku said they have had resignations lately from the society.  He said not
all resignations are bad. Committee members who jumped ship were Thato Gleeson (public relations officer), Maatla Basha (vice president),
Gosego Nkwe (treasurer) and Koketso Masena.  Bashi Lechaena, who was an additional member, was fired.

“Some resignations are good like that of Masena.  In all honesty, what I can consider a loss is that of Masena.  He was a star performer and he wanted to concentrate as an athlete.  We were not rocked by
resignations,” he said. Masuku said they co-opted some members into the committee and they now have a strong team. The members who were brought into the executive committee are Ewetse Khama (PRO), Philani Mazibuko (vice president),
Girlie Ketsile (treasurer) and Tumo Molelekwa (additional member).
The vice president, Mazibuko said the strategic plan is going to a working document.  He said it is not something that they would throw
into the shelves.

Editor's Comment
Time to end informal sector fronting

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