Fani defiant in the face of a gathering storm

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Botswana Football Association (BFA) president, David Fani is very much aware of the gathering storm ahead of the association's elections next month. He tells Staff Writer MQONDISI DUBE that he knows what he is up to and will never run away from challenges

Mmegi Sport: With the amount of negative publicity at BFA at the moment, have you not at any stage decided to throw in the towel?

Fani:  When I accepted nomination for the position of BFA President and was subsequent elected to the position in 2008, I did so with the full knowledge that there would be challenges and I knew exactly what I was getting myself into.  Since it is not in my character to run away from challenges, particularly those that I know I can deal with, the thought of quitting has never crossed my mind.

Editor's Comment
Time to end informal sector fronting

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