Be MOBILE, Premier League to ink P22.5m deal

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* Grants for clubs mulled
*Prize money unaltered

The Botswana Premier League (BPL) and mobile phone services provider, be MOBILE, have concluded a new sponsorship deal reportedly worth P22.5 million that will be inked next week, Mmegi Sport can exclusively reveal.

Both parties confirmed that a deal had been struck following months of negotiations although there was no official confirmation on the figures.

Editor's Comment
Women in Politics caucus NGO, a welcome development

In the 2014 General Election, women who stood for parliamentary elections were a mere 17 out of a total of 192 aspirants, and sadly the number dropped to 11 out of 210 parliamentary aspirants in the 2019 General Election. Hopefully, registration of the Women in Politics Caucus will give women the necessary support to join politics. While things were slowly improving, women for a long time were at the receiving end as compared to their male...

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