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Myths and legends
Are carrots really good for eyesight?

Yes and no.  Carrots will not improve your vision if you have less than perfect vision and indeed carrots will not restore a blind person's vision.However, the vitamins found in carrots will help promote overall eye health.  This vegetable contains beta - carotene.  This is a substance that the body converts to vitamin A, which is important for eye health.  Lack of this vitamin results in blindness.  However, there are cases where eating an excessive amount of carrots will turn your skin orange so be careful!

Carrots also contain lutein which is a powerful antioxidant.  Foods rich in lutein have been found to increase the pigment density in the macula, which is an important area which allows for colour vision focus.  The greater the pigment density in this area, the better protected your retina is and the lower the risk of disease in this macula area.

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A call to action against defilement

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