WAFA resolves to train more women

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The three-day workshop hosted by Women's Academy for Africa (WAFA) in Gaborone ended yesterday.

The workshop, which was attended by member states from Botswana, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa resolved that women be trained more in politics to empower them in decision-making in their political parties and governance. According to Daisy Bathusi, of Botswana Congress Party, the workshop focused mainly on political education  because they have realised that women lack confidence and political education.

"WAFA stresses that women be empowered to have confidence and education in politics, hence decision-making in governance and their parties," she explained. She also said they taught women how to interact with the press when holding public office and how to deal with the media. They also equipped the participants on how to deal with general elections as well as strategies that can be used.

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