Schools in crisis as teachers go on strike

Schools have been operating with skeletal staff and most classes have been suspended as teachers heed the call for a public service strike that commenced yesterday.

According to reports received by end of day yesterday, some schools are operating on skeletal staff comprising of only the school heads and the deputies. Many schools had one cook each as the rest had downed tools. These schools are; Lobatse Senior Secondary School, Moselewapula Junior Secondary School, Thobega Junior Secondary School, Tsodilo Junior Secondary School in Maun and  Emang Junior Secondary School in Ntlhatlhe.  Students at Shangano Junior Secondary School in Sebina village could not be provided with food as all the cooks were on strike. In some reports some of the students were said to be doing their own cooking.

Students in most schools were left to their own devices as there were only a few teachers, most of whom are temporary. A visit to a few schools in Gaborone revealed that while there was order at the schools the available teachers could not cope with all the classes, resulting in many primary school pupils being accomodated in one room to monitor them.

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