Saleshando not contesting in 2014 elections

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The Botswana Congress Party (BCP) is likely to have another parliamentary candidate for Selibe-Phikwe other than the current MP Gil Saleshando, who has indicated that he will not be contesting this seat in the next general elections in 2014.

Saleshando who is also the BCP president, won the Selibe-Phikwe constituency in last year's general elections by a margin of 674.  He toppled former MP, Kavis Kario, of the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP).  Saleshando has also indicated that he would not be contesting the BCP presidency during the party's congress to be held in July this year.   The Selibe-Phikwe West constituency remains crucial to the BCP because it was one of the additional parliamentary seats that the party clinched in last year's general elections.

In 1994 Saleshando made it to parliament as the MP for Selibe Phikwe under a Botswana National Front (BNF) ticket.  This was at a time when Selibe Phikwe was just one constituency.  But in 1998, Saleshando together with other BNF MPs, defected from the party to form the BCP.  This followed the irreconcilable differences that the central committee had with former BNF president, the late Dr Kenneth Koma. 

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