Matome returns to court

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LOBATSE: Former Debswana group secretary, Joseph Matome, heads back to court on June 28, after two months of freedom, to motivate his appeal against judge Monametsi Gaongalelwe's decision to deny him leave to appeal.

Gaongalelwe refused Matome leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal as he found that there were no prospects of success in his case.Matome has already served seven months of his two-year sentence imposed by then Magistrate Lot Moroka and confirmed by the High Court on appeal. Matome was convicted of giving fictitious information to former president Festus Mogae to support the allocation of Plot 55720 in Gaborone to the TourismDevelopment Consortium (TDC).Louis Nchindo, former Debswana managing director, owned TDC.

After the High Court denied him leave to appeal, Matome approached the Court of Appeal at which judge John McNally freed him, albeit temporarily.Granting him bail, McNally ordered that Matome binds himself on his own cognisance and that he informs the head of the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime when he travels outside the country.  Matome has engaged Collins Newman & Co who are challenging Gaongalelwe's decision.Garvas Nchindo is also challenging the ruling.

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