Khama braves hornet's nest in Francistown

FRANCISTOWN: In an endeavour to rally support for the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP), President Ian Khama is scheduled to address a massive rally at Chedu Choga in Block One next Saturday.

BDP executive secretary, Comma Serema, has confirmed the date of the rally he prefers to call "The mother of all rallies'. "Khama is coming to Francistown to address the people and most importantly, BDP diehards, on the state of the party following recent developments which include some people being fired from the party, some suspensions and the formation of a new party," said Serema. Khama's mission, Serema says, "is to give the party diehards hope that things will be all right". "This is going to be a mass rally with all the constituencies from the north of Dibete and that are about 29 constituencies in all, having already pledged their attendance with at least 100 or more delegates expected to attend from each area," the party executive secretary promised.

Francistown is considered one of the Barata-Phathi strongholds, with the Francistown region currently under the part faction's control. Besides that, the Francistown City Council (FCC) is controlled by the Barata-Phathi with both the Mayor, Shadrack Nyeku, and his Deputy, Stanley Masalila, from the Barata-Phathi. Out of the 22 councillors, Barata-Phathi have a total of 10 councillors, with the Botswana Congress Party (BCP) having seven, the A-Team four and one independent.Given this picture, Khama and his lieutenants have resolved to take things seriously to avoid any possible shock more so that Francistown South MP, Wynter Mmolotsi, and his Francistown West counterpart, Tshelang Masisi, have stuck to Barata-Phathi during this hour of need. Khama's visit is viewed as a strategy by the party to ensure that no stone is left unturned in their endeavours to check their support on the ground. The visit comes at a time when recently some supporters of both Mmolotsi and former area MP, Khumongwana Maoto, clashed to the extent that the matter ended up at the police. At the centre of the dispute was factional differences. It's important to watch if Khama will be comfortable enough for members of the Barata-Phathi faction to be given an opportunity to also address the same rally. Those in the know fear that Khama will most likely be tempted to castigate the Barata-Phathi faction sympathisers who are presently in control but not pulling with the A-Team councillors and other party activists. Serema, however, does not expect Khama to castigate anyone "but he would only reiterate to the BDP diehards that they should put the party interest first and their personal interests later". Speaking to one of the staunch members of the Barata-Phathi, MP Mmolotsi, yesterday, he said since the event will be held in his area, "I will definitely attend". As things are, despite that he is the constituency MP, Mmolotsi, will not be given an opportunity to address the mass rally as he is seemingly treated like an A-Team opponent.  He does not see eye to eye with Maoto and his supporters. Francistown is definitely one of the BDP troubled spots and controversy has literally become a permanent feature here. Khama is among of the BDP top brass who have visited the Francistown area many times in an attempt to find elusive peace without success. It remains to be seen if there is any BDP leader who can bring lasting peace. It is even feared that Khama could stir a hornet's nest if he lashes out at Barata-Phathi as that could have a backlash since the factionalists are reportedly waiting for that opportunity to hit back as well. The Khama weekend rally is likely to cause further trouble in Francistown South, which has known no peace for a long time now.

Editor's Comment
Time to end informal sector fronting

The Francistown Umbrella Informal Sector chairperson, David Mbulawa, has highlighted this growing concern, revealing that many local traders are using their licences to facilitate the entry of foreign goods into the market at a fee.Fronting undermines the very fabric of our local economy. It allows foreign traders to exploit the system designed to benefit Batswana, using local licences to cross borders and sell goods at prices intended for local...

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