Editorial in Business Day of Johannesburg

South Africa's pullout calls into question country's regional commitment. WHAT exactly does SA want from the European Union (EU), its largest trading partner?

Despite an existing trade agreement with the EU (the Trade, Development and Co-operation Agreement, or TDCA), SA asked last year to be included in the economic partnership agreements (EPAs) that the EU was negotiating with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries.

As the EPAs were intended to be agreements with a developmental approach, SA stood to gain significantly from its inclusion, and initially the EU balked at the request for this reason. But it eventually accepted SA's motivation that an aligned trade regime would help facilitate regional integration, and in March the European Commission acceded to SA's participation.

Editor's Comment
Time to end informal sector fronting

The Francistown Umbrella Informal Sector chairperson, David Mbulawa, has highlighted this growing concern, revealing that many local traders are using their licences to facilitate the entry of foreign goods into the market at a fee.Fronting undermines the very fabric of our local economy. It allows foreign traders to exploit the system designed to benefit Batswana, using local licences to cross borders and sell goods at prices intended for local...

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