Ditshwanelo hosts Death Penalty dialogue


DITSHWANELO - The Botswana Centre for Human Rights hosted a two (2) day dialogue on Access to Justice and the Death Penalty in Botswana, from February 9-10, 2016.

The dialogue was facilitated by Justice Lovemore Paul Chikopa, Judge of the Malawi Supreme Court of Appeal. Participants included Attorneys Kgosi Ngakaagae and Martin Dingake, University of Botswana Law Students, Botswana Council of Non-Governmental Organisations (BOCONGO) and the media. 

The purpose of the dialogue was to promote informed public debate on the death penalty, specifically, on the right to dignity in 21st century Botswana.  This was a civil society contribution towards the implementation of   Botswana’s 2013 UN Universal Periodic Review (UPR) commitment, to ‘hold dialogue about the death penalty’.

Editor's Comment
Time to end informal sector fronting

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