Technology panacea for looming cashless society
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Most countries in Africa are well-positioned to benefit from rapidly accelerating technological change while Botswana is slowly catching up the pace. During a recent visit to Beijing, the capital city of China, Mmegi observed that China might be a global leader in mobile payments.
In Beijing one cannot find a person holding a wallet nor cash, not even to buy a cup of coffee or pay for a taxi. What they do is use their phones to pay for everything that they want.
This is a significant moment for our democracy, and it is crucial that every eligible voter takes part in shaping the future of our nation. This is a call to action for all the registered voters and stakeholders to ensure a smooth and informed electoral process.First and foremost, if you are a registered voter, now it is the time to get ready. Ensure that you have your voter registration card and identity card (Omang) in order. If you have...