Comrade Democrat, ntlodise nokana


"O raya ntlodise dinokana?" laughs out Botswana Congress Party spokesperson Dumelang Saleshando when quizzed about the latest phenomenon to drive politicians up the wall with frustration.

Botswana National Front's spokesman Moeti Mohwasa calls it something else. "Ntlhatlose molatswana".

Editor's Comment
Has life become worthless?

As many wondered what wrong the young boy could have done to end up killed, it emerged that his own cousin was a suspect in the murder after he claimed P50,000 from Botswana Life. Thato Tsametse, who was last week sentenced to death for the murder of his cousin, had reportedly taken out two Mmoloki Funeral Covers valued at P25,000 each.Over the years, the media has been covering the murder case, and some revelation has come up that certain...

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