Urgent solution to Letlhakeng mess needed pronto

The Ministry of Health admitted last week that patients at Sesung, Maboane, Ditshegwane and Dutlwe clinics in Letlhakeng West find themselves having to consult a doctor in the presence of a third party.

Patients consult doctors in the presence of an officer whose duty is to ARV drugs.This is so because the clinics lack adequate consultation rooms.In his response to a parliamentary question, the minister responsible for health said that the situation was likely to continue for a while because he had no plans whatsoever to acquire portacamps to ease congestion in the clinics, particularly with regard to provision of consultation rooms.

Sharing the nature of your ailment with another person is not an easy thing to do, and therefore it is inconceivable to figure out what those patients go through having to do so in the presence of a third party.It is possible that in some instances, patients have withheld some aspects of their ailments either out of fear of being shunned or laughed at by the public. It is common knowledge that in rural areas, secrets are hardly kept; let alone ailments of other people.  In fact, in these places, the residents will diagnose you with a disease even before your appointment with a doctor.

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