Treat customers fairly, businesses urged

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FRANCISTOWN: Francistown City Council (FCC) deputy mayor Joyce Ndove has advised businesses here to trade fairly so as to make the country's second city a destination of choice.

She told FCC's 2013 second ordinary full council meeting that started yesterday that there is a concern that some businesses still took too long to respond to consumer complaints. "In addition, some businesses still fail to issue out receipts to consumers after they make a purchase," she said."In the event the item does not function well or the consumer needs redress for some reason, it becomes difficult to lodge a complaint without proof of purchase as required by the Consumer Protection Act," she stated.

She urged businesses to desist from such conduct.  "To make our Francistown a destination of choice trade must be fair and such behaviour defeats that endeavour," said Ndove.She advised Francistowners to seek advice from relevant institutions before purchasing items if they are unsure or unhappy with terms and conditions to avoid being cheated out of their hard earned money.She further expressed concern at some customers who commit to purchase contracts without fully understanding the terms and conditions thereof."This is disheartening, particularly in the buying of expensive items like motor vehicles. A consumer can go to an extent of signing for no warranty or no guarantee without knowing what it means and only become concerned when told that they cannot be helped when the items do not function soon after purchase," she lamented.

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