Payless’ new owner pledges more citizen shelf space

Rising up: Moshoke says the Payless’ takeover  saved 200 jobs PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO
Rising up: Moshoke says the Payless’ takeover saved 200 jobs PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO

Wholly citizen-owned company, Ellis Retail Group (Pty) Ltd, has set aside 10% of the shelf space in the eight Payless supermarkets it has taken over for local producers as part of initiatives to empower more Batswana.

Ellis Retail is owned by Acute Global Limited, which in turn is owned by Accurate Component with Patricia Moshoke as the main shareholder. Ellis Retail recently announced the takeover of eight Payless supermarkets, becoming the first major retail chain owned by indigenous citizens.

This week, Ellis Retail CEO, Elliot Moshoke said the takeover had saved more than 200 jobs that were on the verge of being lost as the Payless Group struggled to stay afloat.

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