BTO reins in Khawa Dune Challenge costs

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KHAWA: The Chief Executive Officer of Botswana Tourism Organisation (BTO) Myra Sekgororoane has revealed that the organisation spent an estimated P1.5 to P2 million in this year's organisation of the Khawa Dune challenge event.

In an interview with Mmegi in Khawa, Sekgororoane said that they have managed to cut costs in this year's  event which is in its second year running. She said that although she could not immediately give the total amount of money spent last year, this year's budget was slightly less.  She said, "This year we have engaged the private sector and this has helped in cost reduction measures". Sekgoroane pointed out that in 2012 they spent more money because it was their first experience in organising the Khawa event.  She added that they have since learnt that they are not able to do everything hence the decision to delegate  and engage the private sector. She said, "This year we advertised a tender for tent suppliers for the event. We cannot do everything ourselves but need the input of the private sector as well. If we do not engage their services as BTO who will? "Sekgororoane further said that arranging an event as big as the Khawa Dune Challenge is a task that requires proper coordination so that everything falls into place. She said that necessities such as water that people take for granted in Gaborone and other urban areas are particularly crucial for those camping in the bush. 

Further she said they faced challenges in securing mobile showers and toilets in Botswana as there are no companies offering such services in the country. She added, "We had to source these services from a company in neighbouring South Africa".Another issue that Sekgororoane brought to the forefront was that of the Dune Challenge dates. She revealed that they are planning to adjust the dates to coincide with the holidays. She explained that this is because many Batswana fail to get leave days to attend the Khawa event, because of work commitments.

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