
Tefo Pheage
  • Parly probe into cheating institutions dies

    Back then, the committee  comprised mostly former teachers: Bagalatia Arone (chairperson), Wynter Mmolotsi, Fidelis Molao, Slumber Tsogwane, Abram Kesupile and Liakat Kablay. Kablay was the only member of the committee who was not a man of...

  • Namibian Parly discusses Botswana refugees fears

    According to the news media in that country, Iivula-Ithana made this remark in a statement delivered in the Namibian National Assembly this week where she also rejected claims that the government would prosecute refugees who return home. The Namibia...

  • Khama, minister out to sideline us - Bakgatla leaders

    Mochudi West legislator, Gilbert Mangole and Kgatleng District Council chair, Mpho Morolong, barely appear when top government officials visit the district. Commentators in the area say this is because the area has been in the hands of the opposition...

  • Churches form Parly watch committee

    According to the immediate past president of BCC, Reverend Mpho Moruakgomo, the church and the civil society have a big role to play in the development of Botswana but are mostly reactionary. In an interview with Mmegi, Moruakgomo said the church...

  • Mogae courts UN Security Council for support

    He wants the international agency to be in support of his efforts to restore peace and stability in the embattled and newly-formed state. Mogae made the plea in a videoconference address to the council on Friday where he also updated on his progress...

  • Batawana inquire about Wayeyi meeting with govt

    The tribal wars are so serious that others have decided to seek President Ian Khama’s intervention to resolve the burning issues. Bambukushu have written a letter to Khama over their recognition and the pending Wayeyi recognition. The Wayeyi are...

  • Bambukushu petition Khama over Ngamiland

    The letter to the President arose from a resolution of a January 16, 2016 meeting which was held at Popagano Junior Secondary School where the agenda was to reflect and discuss chieftaincy and tribal recognition issues. “We resolved to write a...

  • Khama dumps new offices

    The government had controversially suspended and later re-advertised the Orapa House refurbishment tender when it was one step away from the awarding stage, saying the contractor’s budget proposal was way beyond their budget. However in a shocking...

  • Lieutenants disobey BDF commander

    Two weeks ago, Galebotswe visited Glen Valley Barracks awhere he had gone for a meeting and later requested a separate meeting with his troops in the lieutenant rank to discuss pertinent issues. At the meeting, Galebotswe asked for any volunteer to...

  • NACA dissolution finalized

    The decision which has left stakeholders unsettled follows a rationalisation exercise that was conducted two years ago by a special taskforce. “NACA has now relocated to the Ministry, what we are now left with is the transitional process which...

  • DCEC defies court order

    Monyatsi was dismissed in 2013 on accusations of “unbecoming conduct, neglect of duty, failure to obey lawful instructions, unauthorised absence from work, late coming, use of physical force on staff, plagiarising speeches, failure to carry out...

  • Mogae makes gains in South Sudan

    Two days back, the South Sudan President, Salvar Kiir moved to reinstate his rival Machar as the country’s vice president to pave way for peace in the troubled country. “I, Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan, do hereby...

  • Leshman, Ex-lover In Court Over Honeymoon Gifts

    The two, according to court papers, fell in love around August 2012 where Mabogo moved in with Leshman at his Phakalane home along with her two children and a maid. The transactions, which are now at the  centre of the dispute were entered into at...

  • Marina mortuary workers� struggle pays off

    Among other issues raised, the workers said there is a shortage of staff at the mortuary. They further complained that they have as a result been forced to employ a one man one corpse system as the hospital does not have mortuary-lifting machines....

  • BCC attack govt�s �pro-rich agenda�

    The church body said the budget had nothing for the poor. Pastors who spoke at the meeting dealt with issues such as education, civil servants poor working conditions and poor education. Some clergymen asked why national leaders did not take their...

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