
Monitor Editor
  • Was Kgosi's Arrest Different From Others?

    The most talked about was the arrest of former Directorate of Intelligence and Security (DIS) boss, Isaac Kgosi. A number of people celebrated his arrest, while some here and there, were not too pleased with the arrest. It was not shocking for the...

  • Let's Unite In The Fight Against Rape

    While most of those who give their opinion or analysis on rape seem to differ in some aspects, there is some agreement that the perpetrators should be dealt with sternly.  It is a good thing that there seem to be some level of agreement that the...

  • Let's Have A Safe, Fun Festive Season

    Last Saturday four people lost their lives in four different accidents, and there were many more accidents on the roads, which were not fatal.  While it is not wrong to have fun, it is each and every individual’s responsibility to ensure that they...

  • Let's Respect Each Other's Rights

    The Universal Human Rights Declaration proclaims the inalienable rights, which everyone is inherently entitled to as a human being, regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, nation or social origin, property,...

  • #Know Your Status

    Speakers at the event deliberated on a number of issues, with many if not all agreeing that, while Botswana has made progress with regards to HIV and AIDS response, there was still a lot that needs to be done, to reduce the prevalence, with the...

  • Intensify Fight Against GBV

    Botswana has been commemorating the annual campaign without fail, but unfortunately, the campaign does not seem to be accomplishing much, as rape and abuse of women and children (especially the girl-child) seem to be on the rise. The commemoration...

  • Let's Desist From Social Media Bullying

    But over time, we have observed a growing trend where some people use social media to bully, intimidate or simply disrespect others. Well, social media is a fantastic tool, which, if used properly can do wonders for its users. The back and forth...

  • Let's Join Hands For The Good Of Our Children

    This was brought about by the sad incident in which the life of a Form Three student, who had just completed his JCE in Serowe was taken. This week’s plea is still on the welfare of our future leaders.  The Monitor last week visited Jamataka...

  • We Need To Act Fast Against Student Violence

    Moral degradation amongst young people especially those who are still in school, and young people of school going age, is a big concern, which, unfortunately has been talked about several times, without any form of action.  It is not the first time...

  • BEC Needs To Get Its House In Order

    BEC is tasked with conducting school examinations and any other exam for the Ministry of Basic Education and issue certificates. On its website the exam body clearly states that: “BEC’s key business activities include examinations and assessment...

  • Let's Make Our Vote Count

    In recent years political debate seem to have gone up amongst citizens, which is a very welcome development. It is also important to match the debate with exercising our rights as citizens to choose our government. It does not help much to keep...

  • KBL, Gov't Must Clarify Levy Reduction

    No one can blame the consumers for being averse to KBL’s stance, as the introduction of the alcohol levy dug deep into the pockets of the gullible profit well that being the consumer.  Hence, it is no surprise that the amendment of the alcohol...

  • Let's Pool Forces To End Killings

    Many non-governmental organisations, have over the years pooled their limited resources to fight the GBV scourge, but the war seems to be far from over, as crimes of passion seem to escalating, and murder cases emanating from other circumstances....

  • Let's Join Childline In Protecting Our Future

    Childline Botswana Trust is a registered Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO). It was founded in 1990 in response to escalating number of child abuse cases in the country.  The NGO’s primary role is to help abused children and their families...

  • Batswana Need To Wise Up To Human Trafficking

    Well, over the years, we have heard about a number of cases where young men and women were coerced into travelling to other countries particularly, in the first world, with the promise of better opportunities, only to reach their destination and be...

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