
Tsaone Basimanebotlhe
  • No suspension letters yet for Saleshando, Kekgonegile

    This is despite the fact that the UDC spokesperson Moeti Mohwasa and president Duma Boko had addressed a press conference about their suspension. What shocks the two is that the UDC seems unbothered to communicate with them formally about the...

  • Molefhi’s Team Equity attracts disciplinary action

    Team Equity lost dismally to Vice President and re-elected chairperson Slumber Tsogwane's lobby list in Tsabong over the weekend.Team Equity may attract disciplinary action from the BDP, because the party's constitution does not allow members...

  • Africa largely behind, Dikoloti tells WHO

    Speaking at a WHO regional committee gathering in Lome, Togo last week Friday, the minister said this impedes the ability to end the pandemic and achieve the common objective of global health. “Botswana has made significant progress in regards to...

  • Court interdict dampens nurses' festive day

    The Botswana Nurses Union (BONU), Directorate of Public Service Management (DPSM), Ministry of Health, and the Attorney General (AG) are at loggerheads with unions that have nurses in their membership.This follows after Botswana Land Boards Local...

  • S/Phikwe mayor resigns from BCP

    Botswana Congress Party (BCP) Selebi–Phikwe mayor Lucas Modimana has resigned from his party with immediate effect. He is expected to be welcomed into his new political home, Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) over the weekend at Tsabong. He is the...

  • Masisi to talk peace, unity in Tsabong

    University of Botswana (UB) political analyst Keaoleboga Dipogiso says there is a need for Masisi to make a reflection on the party's 2019 General Elections manifesto. “It is important for him to update the members on the progress they have...

  • Key candidates beef up lobby lists

    As such, the candidates have brought in former members of the BDP central committee, former MPs and serving members who are set to change the tide just in time for the main action tomorrow. Some of the additional members on the lobby lists are said...

  • Autlwetse contests BDP DSG as 'Mokoko'

    He is running under the theme ‘Pathway For Youth Progression’ as he contests for the deputy secretary-general (DSG) position.Autlwetse will be battling it out with Foreign Affairs Minister Lemogang Kwape and Member of Parliament Unity Dow. While...

  • BDP's Molefhi unveils lobby team

    Molefhi is eyeing the party chairperson seat and will challenge Vice President Slumber Tsogwane. Tsogwane’s lobby team has been out in the open and shared its aims as far back as a month ago while Molefhi just revealed his team days ahead of the...

  • First mobile mammography unit launched

    The unit will be moving across the country taking mammography breast screening for free.During the journey, a team of volunteers which includes doctors and nurses, will visit the identified clinics to give awareness talks, demonstrate the self-breast...

  • Teen girl donates sanitary pads

    Palesa, who is currently running for Miss Teen Botswana, said her gesture is part of her ‘caring sisterhood’ initiative, which is aiming at giving dignity to the girl child.Parliament in 2017 passed a motion for free sanitary pads in all...

  • BDP NYEC supports Tsogwane

    Tsogwane will be battling it out with Nonofo Molefhi for the party’s chairperson position, a position that normally attracts controversy. NYEC chairperson Collen Mochotlhi said the decision was taken by the whole committee.“The decision to...

  • BDP goes to Tsabong divided

    This leaves President Mokgweetsi Masisi in a tough space as he tries to pursue his Reset Agenda. The theme of the elective congress is, "Unity and Consolidation" which is in contrast to the divided state of the party.Recently at different...

  • Health ministry tackles delivery amid drug shortages

    To correct the drug deficit as Bobonong MP Taolo Lucas had asked during a parliamentary session on how the shortage of medicines in the country would be addressed, Dikoloti in his response mentioned at least six critical medicines that are seriously...

  • Anesthetists' shortage worries minister

    Sethomo said as such, the Selebi-Phikwe General Hospital currently refer patients requiring such specialist services to Nyangabgwe Referral Hospital where there is one specialist anesthetist and one intensivist.This came about after the MP for the...

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