Namibia wants MVA across borders

This is a sentiment expressed by Sidney Boois, Motor Vehicle Accident Namibia's Manager, Accident and Injury Prevention.

Increased cross border travel activity necessitates the provision of cover across borders as Batswana may find themselves as victims of road carnage in Namibia.

Namibia citizens are also likely to experience a similar wrath on Botswana roads. The current situation where cover is for victims within the country roads leaves out a substantial number of road accident victims, he observed.

'We have to ensure that victims of road accidents are covered and enjoy peace of mind regardless of where the accident occurred. If a Motswana is injured in Namibia he should still be covered by the MVA Fund Botswana and if a Namibian is injured in Botswana the same should obtain,' Boois said addressing guest speaker, Minister of Works and Transport, Johnnie Swartz.

He said they seek to make an arrangement with the MVA Fund Botswana in an effort to activate such a system. 'We are following on an agreement with our sister organisation, MVA Fund Botswana to ensure that all our people enjoy peace of mind knowing that they are covered wherever they travel. We eventually want to see a situation where all motor vehicle accident enjoy clients peace of mind all over Africa knowing that they are covered'.

Boois highlighted the increasingly global road accident occurrences as a course for concern and such collective action. 'The World Road Accidents report has stated that at least 1.2 million people die every year in road accidents. The most affected age group is the 0-25 years old category,' he said, noting that road accidents have now become a global health issue.

'Road accidents now rival the HIV/AIDS scourge as a health issue. Such a trend has to be reversed.

It is unfortunate that road accidents happen through the deliberate efforts of individuals,' he said. He added that Botswana is a nation that has adopted the four D's for the prosperity of the nation.

However, he said, too much of the first 'D'-Democracy, on the road only invites disaster.
'Too much democracy on the road may cause problems. You must, however, exercise the other D's, discipline in particular, on the road.

The MVA Fund Namibia participated in a road safety campaign in Charles Hill along the Mamuno highway to disseminate information.