Food For The Soul

Not that much as long as you first focus on your nutrition, which is the foundation to life. I suppose it is time now to remember that indeed - 'we are what we eat' - as the old adage goes. Or to put it in cyberspace computer terminology, garbage in garbage out!

Think about that for a moment and take a hard look at how you have fared in the last year or many years past. Take stock of the year that was, and make an honest assessment of your diet and health. Exercise included.

If you find yourself making the same resolution this year to lose 10kg as you did promise and vouch to yourself that somewhere in the first quarter of 2007 you would be as fit as a fiddle, and then you sit up and wonder what happened as you step on the scale only to realise that you actually gained 10kg - for sure there is a problem right there.

I often wonder why people have to wait until the end of year or the New Year to make those famous resolutions. Then they can't even stay on track for even a month. Well, well, well! I believe part of the big Kahuna of the problem is not consciously committing oneself to a robust plan of action alongside that pronouncement disguised as a resolution.

You see, any plan has to have clear timeliness, milestones and some fallback position to catch up, just in case you slip. Moreover, it has to be realistic. For example, you know full well that you cannot lose 10kg in one month - in any case it is not advisable let alone healthy - so why set yourself up for a big fall like that? Instead resolve and commit to lose somewhere between 2-5kg per month and you will be the 'Big Loser'.

Now to get to the desired point in terms of your diet, fitness and health, you have to set realistic goals. But before anything, get your baseline assessment - weigh in to get your body mass index (BMI). BMI is a measure of how fat you are in relation to your height and indicates your ideal body weight.

Normal BMI is somewhere between 18 and 25. It is calculated by taking your weight in kilograms and dividing it by your height in metres squared (your height x your weight).  Okay let's try that now. Good. What is your BMI? Oh boy I thought as much... not many of us are on the normal side of things hey!

Actually just the other day as I resumed my routine, I went for my assessment as one should do on a regular basis. Needless to say I was not happy with my BMI, which had shot up two points, and my fat-to-muscle ratio was not pleasing either. 

My arms, hips, waist and thighs confirmed that all that serobe, seswaa, cakes, puddings, and all manner of other gunk plus no exercise for over two weeks did a lot of damage and injustice to yours truly. Goodness, I even noticed my tummy had no definition - in normal speak, there was a bit of flab. I am sure a number of you can relate. So hence my re-resolution to firm up and run a couple of marathons this year...

Right now, if you can, write down your nutrition, fitness and health goals. This could range from losing the extra kilos, bringing your blood pressure and sugar level down, to getting a six pack, to quit smoking, climb a mountain, or swim a 100 laps, etc. Once done please do make a firm plan and then consult someone to mentor, coach and assist you with working your plan and tracking progress. 

Part of the process is budgeting for this transformation - what and how much will it take to achieve these goals. Stay close and walk with me on this wonderful journey to nutritionally rev ourselves up in 2008! Will be back in a jiffy with some general tips to detox, plan your diet and exercise programme and stick with it to your slimmer, fitter and healthier self. Great stuff!