Storm brewing at rugby union


Accusations are flying high as the union vice president, Bob Lekan accuses the president, Dave Gilbert and his son, Gareth of working in cahoots to bring him down.

Lekan, a former BRU president, who will contest the position again, complained that the two are using dirty tactics to de-campaign him. He continued to charge that Gilbert wants to pursue his family interests at the expense of the union. The accusations rose from the letter that the president wrote through his son who works for the rugby office to affiliates. In the letter, the president states that he had initially decided not to stand for the elections but now finds himself compelled to do so 'because I have no confidence in the motives of certain people within the executive committee to guide rugby to the next level.' Gilbert added in the letter that 'this is a personal view and I am therefore asking the various affiliates to think very seriously and carefully on the motives and ambitions of the candidates that they are going to elect.'

'What can these people offer to continue to move rugby forward and up?' Gilbert asks in the letter. He continued to outline his committee's achievements during his tenure as a strong case to consider him for another term. Lekan says because of their fragile relationship, he has reason to believe that the letter, was written in reference to him. The other thing that makes him believe that he is the subject of the letter is that in the letter Gilbert reminded affiliates that prior to his tenure, rugby was run in an informal manner as there were delayed actions and protracted decisions. 'That was the time I was president before he took over,' Lekan said. 

What baffles Lekan is that Gilbert revealed in the last election that he would not seek another term this year and wondered what had now changed.

In fact he questions the motive behind Gilbert's change of mind. 'Is he not the one who wants to pursue his personal interests?' he asked. Lekan alleged that Gilbert wants to achieve his family interests. He said though the old constitution that was used for the last time in 2007 elections only allowed for the executive to stay only for one term, Gilbert requested that he be given another term so that he could finish his plans.

He said Gilbert said at the time that he wanted to finish everything because he would not be available to rugby in the next years because of other commitments.

Therefore a compromise was reached as affiliates gave the whole executive another term meaning there were no elections.

However, there were elections for three new posts and that is how Lekan got to be elected for the position of vice president.

Lekan said Gilbert seems to have personal issues against him, as he even wanted to resign after he was voted as the vice president. Last year the union was hit by issues of racism. However, Lekan does not think this time it has anything to do with his colour. He said their relationship has been a hostile one and in most cases they had to compromise to work together. He said Gilbert always seemed threatened by his presence.

Gilbert refused to comment, as he did not understand why Lekan had to run to the media when things were not going well in the union.