Commotion On Blue Jacket Street

The incident was like a real live action movie as it involved a gun, a knife and a whip. 

And the scene of the incident was crowded with curious spectators, who did not want to miss even a single episode, eyewitnesses said.

An eyewitness said he saw a white private car speeding from Botswana Building Society (BBS) block with three men inside.

'It stopped across the main road, abruptly interfering with traffic. Both men alighted and one of them was holding a gun. They approached another car with a man and a woman inside. 

'The two were forcibly ordered to step out of the car, which they did,' he said. The woman was severely whipped compared to her male friend. The woman, he said, appeared to be strong, as she did not cry.

'The large crowd that had gathered attacked one of the men who was holding a knife. And I suspect that the knife might have been the one used to stab someone who was later taken to hospital by the police,' he added.

He went on to say that the situation stabilised when the police arrived, as they rescued the knifeman from the crowd that haD descended on him. He was taken to Central Police Station. 

What seemed strange is that the police did not arrest the men who caused a scene. Instead they took with them the man and the woman who were on the receiving end. 

'I suspect the three men to be members of the central intelligence unit within the police,' said the witness. 

Mokuedi Mphathi of Francistown Central Police Station said there was commotion on Blue Jacket street.

'Someone was stabbed with a knife during the incident and we took him to hospital where he was treated and later discharged. The whole matter is still under investigation,' he stated.