Spar Sponsors Women's Race

The race is in its second year. It is expected to take place on September 8 in Francistown and thereafter in Gaborone. Speaking at the launch, Botswana National Sports Council (BNSC) executive member, Nomsa Mbere, applauded Spar for sponsoring a women's event.

'Women are faced with challenges because not everyone wants to sponsor their events. After this event, we're going to see more women coming to take part in such events,' said Mbere. She urged more women to take part in events like the Spar Race because it is important for their health. She said that in Durban, South Africa, 15,000 women participated in the Spar Race while in Botswana there are only 800. Mbere warned women that if they do not take sport seriously, nobody is going to sponsor their events.

 'It is important that you get committed and it is up to WASBO to help us through,' she said. Botswana Athletics Association (BAA) acting president, Roland Masalila said that his organisation is happy to be associated with Spar. Though their relationship started last year, Masalila said their marriage seems to be made in heaven. 'We're faced with the challenge of women's participation.

I think with Spar coming on board, this will improve,' he said. For five years, BAA long distance races for women have been dominated by the same faces in the likes of Onkemetse Selotate, Onneile Dintwa and Tinah Mekgwe. Some commentators have pointed out that it is important that other women come forward to replace the trio. At times because of complacency, the likes of Selotate and Dintwa have failed to impress when they come against quality opponents in regional events like PPC Kgale Classic. Masalila asserted that the sponsorship of Spar will go a long way in helping with the women's development since they want to improve on their performances at international level.

Spar representative, Ian Wilson said that the 10km race is one of the major women's events in the region. He said that they believe that over the years, such events will pay dividends. 'We intend to make this event a success and entry forms will be available across 23 shops in the country,' he said.