VPB boss joins Africa venture capital board


In a statement yesterday, the company said Siwawa was nominated during the AVCA AGM. The move came after the associations conference co-hosted by VPB and the IFSC in Gaborone recently. Siwawa was nominated and appointed to the AVCA board with five other candidates. This reflects VPBs respected status in the African private equity space as an able and qualified fund manager, the statement said.


The appointment will afford Botswana a voice and a sphere of influence in the organisation and in the private equity field on the continent. We hope this move will encourage other private equity practitioners in Botswana and neighbouring countries to make use of bodies like AVCA, and reap the benefits thereof. There are many advantages to being a member, including access to information and a strong network of industry practitioners. Moreover, there is still a lot of room for Southern African participation within the Association, said Siwawa after being appointed.


We also hope that Botswanas involvement in AVCA through VPB would cultivate and grow an interest in the private equity profession, he added. At the moment, there are only four private equity firms in Botswana, and only two are actively generating deals.


Having a representative on the AVCA board of directors will ensure that Botswana remains in the spotlight as an ideal investment destination in Africa, as well as a location with attractive and lucrative deals, and skilled personnel.


We have a lot to do to sell Botswana and our efforts will be supported by the international rollout of the new Botswana brand, which re-enforces the message that Botswana is the proverbial land of opportunities.


The enthusiasm about Botswana from the international delegates who attended the 2008 AVCA conference is hopefully, an indication of things to come. Through opportunities such as VPBs involvement with AVCA, Botswana has ambassadors who can convey key information to the relevant individuals and organisations around the World.


The highly successful 7th Annual African Venture Capital Association (AVCA) conference was held in mid-March. The AVCA brings together venture capital and private equity practitioners from all over the continent of Africa and abroad.


The AVCA AGM was held after the conference to discuss such issues as appointment of new directors, consideration of the previous years financial statements and other general house keeping matters.


Having fully committed its maiden government funded CEDA Venture Capital Fund (CVCF), VPB is joining the international arena by launching a regional Pan-SADC fund which will have a focus on the booming resource sector and other areas of opportunity such as telecommunications, leisure and hospitality and financial services.


VPB is the first private equity fund management firm from Botswana to do so. In co-hosting the AVCA conference in Botswana, the company sought to give potential investors a first hand impression of the country, including interacting with industry players to get an appreciation of the business and investment landscape in the country, and to experience the facilities and enjoy the hospitality of the country.