MDC leader flees into Botswana

He is alleged to have fled a plot on his life in Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwean politician is said to be staying at a Government-owned Guest House in the City Centre.

Unconfirmed information reaching show that Tsvangirai was on his way from South Africa on Tuesday night when he was informed of a planned 'accident' that would claim his life. He is said to have immediately turned back just a few hours into Zimbabwean territory after receiving the information.

Tsvangirai met with President Ian Khama yesterday morning to discuss the Zimbabwean situation. The Coordinator of the Government Communication and Information Services body Jeff Ramsay would not confirm whether Tsvangirai met with Khama over Zimbabwe.  'The Zimbabwean politician Mr Morgan Tsvangirai is indeed in Botswana today (Wednesday). This is to further confirm that this morning he did briefly meet with (President Khama)' read a statement from the Office of the President.

Ramsay would not comment further on any of the allegations concerning the Zimbabwean politician except that his visit 'was done at short notice'.

Tsvangirai met with South African Thabo Mbeki early this week to discuss the way forward following on the current impasse over the Presidential Election results.

The results for the Presidential elections, which were held about two weeks ago, are yet to be released. Tsvangirai's party MDC has claimed victory over the ruling party ZANU-PF's President Robert Mugabe after its victory in the parliament. MDC filed an application at the High Court asking for an order to be issued for the release of the results while the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission asked for the application to be dismissed. Yesterday the court ruled against the issuance of the order, describing the move as 'dangerous'.