All is set for the Annual Mascom Derby

Maun has always been synonymous with horse racing in Botswana. In the 1990s horse racing was the highlight of the now defunct annual trade show. The Ngamiland trade show became an event where rich cattle barons demonstrated their supremacy on horseback.

By then the fortunes of cattle farming had not been eroded by Foot and Mouth Disease (FDM) so farmers could afford buying and breeding better horses. Some of these farmers bet each other for their racing horses with their Toyota Land Cruisers. And people loved these races.  Horse icons such as 'DiKhele' owned by Boitshoko Mosiane or 'Lemon' owned by Ntshemang Gaboekae are still celebrated.

This is the foundation that the organizer of the Annual Mascom Easter National Derby, Mabua Mabua, has built on. For more than nine years horse races have been drawing spectators to Maun. The organisers promise the visitor another memorable time during the 2013 edition of the Mascom National Derby, which draws top rate riders from neighbouring countries, Namibia and South Africa in particular.

'In the eighth year of its existence, the event will be held at Shashe racing track on the 30th March. The race has two categories of horses, these are Tswana breed and thorough-breeds. The popular show brings in participants from Namibia, and from Botswana we have participants from Sehitwa, Ghanzi, and Charles Hill, Maun, Gumare and Palapye,' says a press release from the competition sponsors Mascom. The release further asserts that:' The Mascom National Derby brings new and exciting avenues of entertainment to Maun and surrounding areas. It also gives Batswana horse owners and jockeys the opportunity to develop the standards of horse racing by competing against one another.

The Easter holiday is fun-filled in Maun as the public gets to watch live horses racing and the days are filled with musical entertainment and draws for various prizes.

The derby attracts tourists from around Botswana and Namibia to Maun, and this in turn has a positive impact on the economy.'

The release says the festivities will afford Small business owners a chance to set up exhibition and food stalls for sale at the race Mascom has invested over P3 million into the Derby, which is billed to feature around 100 horses.

Meanwhile, the network provider also revealed that they will donate to the Maun-based Okavango Artists Association. .