BEMA defends locals on re-packaging claims


Speaking during a media briefing this week, BEMA vice president Buzwani Manyepedza said that he is not aware that local manufacturers and exporters are not producers. He strongly contends that local companies manufacture their products in Botswana and not just re-package. He said in cases where local manufacturers are not able to produce quality products, BEMA assists them towardsworking with the responsible ministry to ensure that they get the right support. 'We also take them for training and run workshops as a way of equipping them with skills on how to produce quality products,' he stated.

Manyepedza said they are working together with LEA, BOBS, CEDA and Standard Chartered Bank to promote the manufacturing and export sectors. At the press briefing, BEMA acting executive director, Sthembile Dube could not confirm nor deny that local exporters and manufacturers are re-packaging goods instead of producing them.However, she said that milling companies, BOLUX and BOKOMO have been forced to import flour because of the current power shortages. She said because of a faulty transformer, BOLUX had to import flour from around December last year until March this year.She explained that BOKOMO had to import macaroni and spaghetti because of shortages. She said BEMA assists manufacturers to export quality products; access export markets; and lobby government. 'For instance, finding markets for companies to export and negotiations involved, for example with AGOA markets'. She said they assist in applications for export and looking at how barriers to foreign trade affect local manufacturers. 'We also see that there is fair trade practices within Botswana and outside,' she added.

Dube explained that they provide counselling for youth in business and BEMA has been working with University of Botswana (UB) Economics Department. Boyd Luwe, BEMA treasurer said that they will see how speedily they resolve the issue of power and water supplies. He said they will talk to partners such as the EU to procure machinery for supplementary power. He said BEMA engages experts to train people and it is doing its best for local exporters to contribute to the GDP.