Woman escapes two-year jail term for concealing birth

Mosetsanagape Ntapile was sentenced to 24 months in prison, of which 15 months were suspended for three years provided she does not commit a similar offence.The charge sheet revealed that on or between August 24th and 26th, 2012 at or near Bontleng, Ntapile secretly delivered a baby and threw it into a pit latrine to conceal its birth.   Ntapile, who was believed to have been 5-7 months pregnant on that fateful day, was suspected to have given birth though she never revealed her pregnancy to anyone.

Masawi told court that she took into account that the convict was a first time offender with five children who solely depend on her. She also explained that the convict seemed remorseful and that she considered the aftermath of separating young children from their mother. She however, stressed that it was not a justification for giving her a lesser sentence. Masawi said despite being lenient on the convict, she considered the punishment severe enough to deter her from repeating the offence, and to send a message to those who might engage in a similar offence.'I tell you it is horrific and not for the faint-hearted. I have a responsibility to society to stop such behaviour,' she said about a photo album taken at the scene of the incident.She said for Ntapile to have so many children at her age shows lack of responsibility, especially with the freely available government services. She reprimanded her that breaking up with a boyfriend is no justification for her actions. Ntapile was advised that she has the right to appeal to the High Court if not satisfied with the conviction and sentence.