Vee, the stocky star youngsters idolise

Just pass through a group of school kids and mention the name Vee and they would change their direction of travel and curiously look at you and most of them would ask you 'where'.

Just a week after Zimbabwean news paper reports  claimed that the Kwaito-kwasa star  was a bore at the recent performance in Harare, the young man was back to business in Kanye amongst the masses who do not only love him but also respect him. The place, Kanye bus rank where the Motor Vehicle Accident Fund (MVAF) was launching its road safety campaign.

From the onset it was music, music and more music from local Dj Tebza and the Local Police Choir - and the crowd of just around hundred seemed to enjoy it. But while all this was taking place, something very interesting happened, suddenly the young ones excitedly rushed to the back of the white marquee tent, their star had arrived. They had seen it on the placards a day before that Vee would be performing. The sight of his red Land-Rover V8 driving over the kerb from the road to the gathering place, indicated the 'beginning of the event'. Some police officers had to fend them off as they blocked the vehicle from passing. The introduction of guests continued with other announcements but the young ones were not interested. When the master of ceremonies (MC) invited Vee to the stage, people started coming from all directions, but this time not only children, everybody wanted to be at the front.

But the crowd was made a little anxious when Vee first sent two of his dancers to set the ball rolling. A few minutes later, he appeared in a black pair of Brent Wood like pants alongside his most interesting dancer, Coming Francis. But just as fans start going crazy at the sight of Vee, attention-grabbing Francis starts his usual antics and the focus shifts. The guests in the tent seem to be enjoying it as well. But it all reaches boiling point when the Democratic Republic of Congo-born dancer takes off his stripped T-shirt and starts his animal like moves, and then suddenly acting like he is driving a luxury sedan. This guy knows his stuff and one is left wondering what Vee's performances would be like without him. Make no mistake it took Vee some years to build his name. With or without Francis he has continued to give people quality entertainment but there is no doubt the man from DRC has brought him a few followers, especially when it comes to live shows.

Young ones, Vee might be your size but he is older and mature and a father as well.