BOTESSA keen to appoint own auditors

The two companies were engaged by the BNSC, on behalf of their affiliates. Like other sport codes, BOTESSA accused the two organisations of delays in auditing their accounts. Erasmus said they have in many instances postponed their Annual General Meetings (AGM) due to delayed audits. He added that  they are keen to appoint their own auditors.

On other matters, Erasmus told the meeting that they are facing constraints in preparing the team for the forthcoming Confederation of Universities and Colleges of Southern Africa (CUCSA) and FASO games. He said the BNSC has advised them to reduce the number of CUCSA team members because of financial challenges. He however, said they are in negotiations with the Council, with the hope that they will reverse their decision.  The association will also embark on a number of fundraising initiatives to augment what they received from the BNSC.One such initiative was a sponsored walk before the OGM. The walk and the OGM were sponsored by the South African company, Boyz Men and water company, O2.

Jwaneng Mine representative, Tod McKinlay who was the guest speaker observed that BOTESSA represents a growing culture of sports in Botswana. He said it was crucial that sports at grassroots level is nurtured because the association membership comprise of the most active, young and productive sector of the economy. McKinlay also appealed to the corporate world to assist sport. He said sports cannot survive through government's assistance only, pledging his company's support for sport 'where possible'.