More fraud charges against ex-soldier


Already, the 41-year-old Isaac Monyadiwa is facing nine counts of receiving by false pretences at the Kanye Magistrate Court. In the latest case, he is said to have obtained four head of cattle worth P14,832 through fraud at Khakhea village. It is said that he got the cattle last September, but failed to pay as agreed. The farmer's efforts to track him down were not successful, leaving him with no option but to open a case with the Mabutsane Police. Efforts by the police to find Monyadiwa and discuss the complaint with him have been fruitless because he is not answering his mobile phone.

The commander of Mabutsane Police Station, Superintendent Pontsho Kgotlafela told Mmegi that they are searching for Monyadiwa to charge him with the alleged offences. He stated that Monyadiwa was once approached about the case and he promised to pay the complainant but to their surprise he only remitted P2,000.

Meanwhile, the former soldier is due to appear for trial on June 11th and 12th of this year at Kanye Magistrate Court.

He has been given a chance to pay back money he owes farmers before the state can withdraw the case. He is said to have also defrauded farmers in Ngwaketsi and Borolong areas.