Barry Eustice: champion of the disabled dies

 Eustice was compelled to use crutches in the 70s after an accident. He was a financial management advisor to the Botswana Council for the Disabled (BCD).

He was also the founder of the Cheshire Foundation in Mogoditshane. He was associated with the organisation which also caters for people with disabilities until his death.

Eustice was famous for his fundraising walks in assistance of charitable organisations. In the 80s, Eustice walked across the country raising funds for charity. His charity walked the length and breadth of the African continent raising finds for charity. 

In the 80s, Eustice lived in Francistown with his Dutch wife Birte, a physiotherapist for the Botswana Red Cross Society. At this time, Eustice continued to raise funds for charity and also assisted the Botswana Red Cross Society. He also assisted many other organisations.

Eustice and his wife later relocated to Gaborone where they established the Cheshire Foundation. Eustice worked with the Botswana Council for the Disabled. He later separated with his wife, who returned to the Netherlands. Before his retirement, Eustice worked for the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning. 

At the time of going to press, funeral arrangements were not complete. The BCD chairperson, Paulos Mapeke, described Eustice's death as a great loss to the nation. He said Eustice contributed greatly to the development of the country especially in issues dealing with disabilities.

He said one of the examples was the Cheshire Foundation which was Eustice's brainchild.  He noted that Eustice worked for the foundation as the first executive director. He said Eustice was instrumental in getting retired President, Ketumile Masire to become patron of the foundation. He added that Masire worked with him in his efforts to raise funds for charity.

Mapeke said Eustice was also instrumental in getting Masire to become the patron of BCD. 'He has done so much for this country. He was dedicated to his work so much especially for the BCD,' he said.

He said at times they had to relieve Eustice because he could not let go even when he was not feeling well.

He said Eustice was not well last year and his condition deteriorated this year. 'He has been very ill,' he said. Prayer meetings are being held at Cheshire Foundation in Mogoditshane.