Youth urged to take part in electoral politics


Sayid was addressing a national youth workshop in Gaborone yesterday aimed at strengthening youth involvement in elections.Sayid however, acknowledged that omitting voter and civic education in the commission's mandate was a huge mistake. She admitted that it is self-defeatist to encourage the citizenship to participate in the electoral process without providing empowerment and educational programmes. Sayid said they have recently started to engage the youth more. She added that there was confusion as to whose role it is to disseminate education pertaining to elections and the IEC.

'The commission took the initiative in 1999 to do so though not mandated to carry out the task,' she said. Sayid said they are working towards listing voter education under their mandate. She said it is essential to engage young people and other stakeholders, especially in rural areas because information rarely circulates beyond urban centres. Moreover, she said the situation creates the danger of selective democracy.

'Education remains fundamental to the accomplishment of an enlightened electorate,' she said.  Sayid said the fact that Botswana emerged from a peaceful political environment has bred a passive attitude towards political and electoral participation. 'The peaceful transition has contributed largely to political and electoral disengagement,' she said.

Political analyst, Lawrence Ookeditse, said the youth should fight for their country through the ballot. He said unlike others in the region, blood was not shed for democracy to be attained and stressed the importance of strengthening it (democracy) while they have it. He said the youth make a high percentage of the population yet they participate less in the election process. Ookeditse encouraged the youth to hold leaders accountable to deliver on their promises.He advised the youth to desist from leaving politicians to run the affairs of the country on their own without providing checks and balances, as they may get corrupt and serve their interests. 'They will mess this country, enrich themselves and their families at your expense,' he said. The two-day workshop, which ends today, is intended to deliberate on the recommendations from the 2011 regional youth workshops.