Nothing for Amos


When Leo opened the council sitting on Monday, he first urged the council to join the country in celebrating Amos's silver medal from the just-ended Olympic games by making pledges. The chairman's dream crumbled yesterday when councillors and some staff members indicated that they would not be giving the Olympic team anything.

'They have already received a lot,' sounded the mumbling across the house. 'We will only tell them 'thank you' for raising our flag high,' they said.  Following the noise one councillor's proposed that they contribute at least P100 each. The house took a vote and only five agreed to the motion, while 23 said there is no need to give the team anything. Fifteen abstained while many more did not even indicate where they fell.

Amos and the team are currently on a countrywide tour to celebrate their success. They are receiving praises, money, and gifts from the public, government offices and private companies.