BEC boss heads regional assessment body


Moahi succeeded Paul Wasanga, who is also chief executive officer of the Kenyan Examinations Council. She was elected vice-president of the association in Nairobi, Kenya last year together with Wasanga (president), Chekani Sakala of Zambia (executive secretary) and other members. Moahi also sits on the executive committee of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement commonly referred to as IEA. She assumed her new responsibility shortly after the Committee of Inquiry into the 2010 Examinations found that lack of regulations by the BEC contributed to the confusion that led to the exams crisis.

A report on the probe says while the establishment of BEC by an Act of Parliament in 2002 had made new roles for teacher unions, Ministry of Education and Skills Development and BEC, 'grey areas' in the Act made it subject to numerous interpretations, resulting in areas of contention that were difficult to solve.The AEAA exists among others to: promote cooperation amongst examining and assessment bodies in Africa; encourage relevant examining and assessment activities among members; sponsor international participation in the field of educational testing and examining; commission research projects; address and share experience on issues of evaluation and assessment as well as to improve assessment and testing and examining within the individual member countries.

Botswana hosted the 22nd AEAA conference eight years ago, under the theme 'The Role of Assessment in the implementation of National Policy'. This time around the theme was, 'Reforms in Educational Assessment for Regional Development.' The conference ends today.