Budget is not exclusive to experts BOCONGO

Presenting the 2012-2013 Civil Society National Budget Analysis Report at a BOCONGO meeting in Gaborone this week, Dr Emmanuel Botlhale, said budgeting was 'a public interest matter that must not be seen as a matter for the executive and technical experts such a economists'.

Botlhale, who is a senior lecturer in public finance at the University of Botswana, said NGOs were best placed to draw the budget because they had no interest compared to government, and therefore would not be partial to any social class.

 'As NGOs, we are looking for social justice,' he said. 'We look at the budget, put it under the microscope, analyse it, and see how it can be improved. It is not for us to praise or criticise it.

'We look at the budget without fear, favour or bias to see if it addresses the common man. Then we make recommendations and lobby with government for changes.'

Botlhale said NGOs that specialise in budgeting could contribute to effective budget outcomes, particularly in these days characterised with budget cuts due to the global economic meltdown of recent years.

He called on BOCONGO to engage in proactive budget work rather than to react to the budget in future, as is the case now. By its nature, the budget is a public allocation tool that answered who gets what. 'Through the budget, society decides who eats and who does not eat,' he noted.

'It is therefore critical that among other things, it is guided by principle of social justice to ensure that the socio-economic rights of marginalised and vulnerable social groups are not violated.'

Botlhale said the 2012-2013 budget was found by the public to be more focused on economic growth than on improving the quality of life for the people. 'The budget is silent on women and children and people living with disabilities,' he noted.

It also failed to show any robust plan that could show alternative sources of revenues beyond diamond revenues that are expected to plateau in 2025.

– He said though people acknowledged the government's effort to fight poverty, they lamented poor implementation and targeting strategies.