Accounts Clerk finally sentenced

Mosweu was found guilty of stealing from her employer,TKM College, in 2004 where she worked as an accounts clerk.Magistrate Makofi gave her a wholly suspended sentence of two years on condition that she does not commit a similar offence.

Makofi said that he had looked at several factors including the fact that the accused person is being tried seven years after the offences were committed.

'I have noted in particular that the offences were committed in 2004. The case only came to court seven years after the event. No doubt this delay would have subjected the accused to untold mental occasion led by the charge hanging over her head for this long because of no fault of hers. This delay in a proper case would attract a permanent stay of proceedings,' Makofi said.

The magistrate said that in sentencing Mosweu, he considered that she is a first offender who showed willingness to take responsibility for her actions. He went on to say that she expressed remorse, offered without being persuaded to do so. Mosweu's lawyer Opeyemi Ajayi urged the court not to imprison his client looking at the fact that she has two minor children she is taking care of. She also takes care of her mother.

Makofi said that Mosweu's offence could attract seven years imprisonment, while common theft is punishable by three years. He said that Mosweu committed a serious offence and the sentence is meant to deter others from stealing. Mosweu was also ordered to pay the P8,872 that she stole from TKM College within three months commencing the day of the sentencing.