BVF committee remains in office despite lapse of term


The committee was elected in 2009 and its two-year term came to an end in June.  The committee was supposed to vacate office after the Annual General Meeting (AGM), but there were delays as financial statements remain un-audited. The AGM, which is still to be held, would have seen the election of new office bearers.BVF president, Daniel Molaodi, acknowledged in an interview that they are occupying the office beyond their term.  He was however, quick to defend the action, arguing it was due to reasons beyond their control.

He confirmed that the AGM and the elections are delayed because the financial statements have not been audited. 'Unless that (auditing) has happened we will not hold the elections,' he told Mmegi Sport yesterday. He said they had been waiting for the audit for some time now, expressing hope that it would be done before the end of the year.

'We have told the auditors that it should not go beyond this year,' he said. Molaodi complained about the auditors saying this is not the first time there has been a delay. He said they have also asked the Botswana National Sports Council (BNSC) to intervene, because time is not on their side. 'There seems to be a problem between the accountants (engaged by BNSC) and the auditors.

We do not know if they have too much in their hands or what,' he said. He said it is not possible to engage a different auditing firm as the BNSC uses the same accountants for other sport codes. Molaodi said they do not have qualms with BNSC's arrangement, only that the auditors are taking time. Until the statements have been audited the BVF executive committee will remain in office. He said there are no legal implications as the point of termination is elections. BNSC executive secretary, Kitso Kemoeng, said he is not aware of the BVF issue but promised to make a follow up.

He explained that respective codes appoint auditors, while accountants are from the BNSC. 'We are aware that there has been complaints about the whole process of auditing and it is an issue that we are looking into.'Kemoeng added that they do not condone staying in power beyond stipulated periods.