Churches 'pray' for further negotiations

As the council of churches, we wish to make it very clear to all the parties concerned that:

* We do not take sides in this matter. 

* We do not want to apportion blame with respect to any of the parties involved in this stand-off. 

* We humbly urge all parties in the stand-off to return to the negotiations in line with our cultural norms.

* That we all ensure that we are reasonable in the positions we hold and are prepared to give and take.

* That we all do everything in our power to minimise the negative consequences of the strike action ensuring that the strike action is not unduly prolonged.

* We offer ourselves as heads of churches to be of any assistance that you as parties involved in this conflict may need.

* In the mean time, we are deeply concerned about the possible social, economic, health and educational consequences that a strike of this nature can bring about.

* Bagaetsho, the Setswana idioms still remain true even in this case that; 'Molemo wa kgang ke go buiwa' and 'ntwa kgolo ke ya molomo,' we urge one and all to return to the negotiation table and find an amicably acceptable and lasting solution to the challenges facing our economy.

* We hold you all dearly in our prayers during this difficult time. We pray for God's wisdom and guidance for you and the wider nation during this time of great need.

Mosweu Simane (Rev)GABORONE