Auditors chide TAWU

In their audit report for the financial year ended 2009, accountants Sharma and Associates, say that because of the lack of control and information by the union, 'we cannot assure ourselves regarding the correct existence of Mascom Debtors, Computer project liability and accuracy of membership/subscription income'.

The accounting firm also notes that TAWU made P278, 038 from annual membership fees for the financial year ended March, 2009.

This is opposed to the P215, 716 made in the previous financial year, March 2008. The audit report also revealed that the union paid Botswana Federation of Trade Unions (BFTU) P23, 102 as annual subscription.

During the period under review, TAWU's administrative expenses include P79, 287 for salaries and wages of union staff, P11, 000 for the audit and accounting fee on the union, P10, 488 for advertisement and promotion.

Postage, telephone, fax and Internet came at a cost of P18, 228 for the same financial year whilst travel and accommodation stood at P17, 433.

Meanwhile, the report says TAWU has paid P33, 209 in rentals to Babereki House, which is owned by BFTU at the African Mall, Gaborone.