BEDIA website defaced by hacker

While the homepage the introductory section of the website has been replaced by lines of shades, the other sections have been replaced by obscure text. Under normal circumstances, these sections indicate the events related to investment and other business opportunities.

However, a click on the link in these sections reveals a mixture of meaningless text and a note saying 'Hacked by AL Dba7. Egypt H4x0r w4s H3r3'.

IT manager for BEDIA, Kennedy Motang said they discovered the problem yesterday morning. 'We noticed the hacking earlier on Thursday and made an investigation immediately. We immediately engaged our support consultants to look into the matter,' he explained.

Motang said the investment organisation recently moved its system to a 'much more secure platform' after recognising the possible flaws in the old one. 'We are doing everything in our power to address this issue and prevent any future problem,' he added.

The website was set up in 2007 as part of BEDIA's drive to provide information to the business community locally and abroad on matters of investment.