I feel good and protected

Why? Not because I hate seeing foreigners in my beloved country.No! but because I now feel more protected. I feel my generation is even protected from bad influence. Of course not all foreigners who enter our country are bad and as such it is good to eliminate the good from the bad by putting measures in place.

I have been wondering when the government would come up with more rules to guard our borders. It is a good thing ladies and gentlemen to make sure everyone who comes to our country adds more good than bad especially in the streets. How many times do we hear that people get mugged on the streets, lose their valuables more especially their mobiles? I really appreciate what the government has done.

Looking at the success of our economy it is imperative to know the motives of those who enter our country. Let us together work hard to safeguard our country. As it is always the case some people who are jealous of our success will soon claim this is a sign of deteriorating democracy as they did when a few individuals were told to acquire visas when entering Botswana.

I wonder what makes those individuals and their supporters think they have a right to get into our country at any time they want, while Batswana need visas to enter their countries.

Well going back to my point, it is good that we make sure these individuals have means of supporting themselves while in Botswana. This minimizes their chances of getting into criminal activities for survival. Moreover, we do have our own social problems to solve rather than take care of foreigners.

This may sound a bit uncompassionate but folks it is failure on our part if our kids are sent back from schools because parents cannot pay school fees, while on the other side we spend money deporting foreigners and feeding them in prisons. So let us keep away those who come here to cause problems.

I do not think this is strictly directed to our fellow Zimbabweans because some of them add great value to our nation. It is for unwanted foreigners who add no good value to our beloved country and it is my belief that the law includes even those from the so called first world nations.
