Babirwa reject Kgosi Malema

Babirwa who attended a six-hour-long kgotla meeting chaired by Kgosi Mokhutshwane Sekgoma of the Bamangwato Tribal Administration, were locked in a debate on the history of Babirwa origin as they tried to identify the legitimate leader to the throne.

Prior to this meeting Kgosi Sekgoma had summoned the three claimants to the throne to the front to in turn explain why each believes the throne belongs to him, while the community listened.

Malema is the defendant, while his deputy, Adam Masilo headman of Sekoba ward and Onketetse Serumola headman of Serumola ward are both challenging his right to the Bobirwa throne.

Kgosi Sekgoma said he has been summoned to intervene in the Bobirwa chieftaincy crisis and urged all those present to tell the truth lest they derail and confuse the royal lineage that will determine the rightful heir. He expressed surprise that the Bobirwa chieftaincy is in crisis. Kgosi Sekgoma gave the community turns to the podium so that no one would feel sidelined. Any of the three chiefs who failed to show up would automatically be disqualified from the chieftaincy race.

First to take the podium was Kgosi Adam Masilo, who to the surprise of the community said he does not know much about the chieftaincy history because he is new in the position. When asked to explain further he claimed he is the rightful heir and Malema should not address him as the uncle. He said he was appointed by Bangwato to the Bobirwa throne. He said the Bobirwa chieftaincy belongs to Sekoba ward and argued that when he was appointed he was never told that he was acting for anybody. Though he was not confident in his argument the majority of Babirwa gave him their support as the rightful heir. The Bobirwa chieftaincy crisis dates back to 2005, after the death of Kgosi Joel Masilo, father of Adam Masilo. People of Sekoba ward have long indicated that it was high time Malema handed back the throne to the rightful heir.

Next to argue his case was Kgosi Onketetse Serumola who said that the chieftaincy belongs to the Serumolas, as the Bobirwa chieftaincy does not originate from Bobonong. He said around 300 BC they stayed at Lephadwe hills, next to Thune river the place where Serumola ruins can still be found. He submitted that through their migrations around places like Lepako, Old days and Nareng, Sedie and some areas in the southern parts of Botswana Serumola was leading Babirwa. He said throughout that era none of the throne claimants was in the picture.

Kgosi Malema on the other hand argued that he is the rightful heir to the throne in that he is a descendant to the legitimate leaders of Bobirwa tribe.

He said his great grandfather Malema had misunderstandings with Bangwato leaders over taxes and he lost the case then fled to South Africa. He said due to old age Malema returned and surrendered to Tshekedi and he was accepted and came back to Bobirwa. 'I do not know anything about Serumola being of the royal blood but I know he is my servant. He is not telling the truth when he says he is the owner of the throne.' Malema also said Masilo has been his junior all along and was fostered into the royal family. He said he has only known Masilo as the leader of the clan not the tribe.

When members of the community were given a chance to comment they indicated that Malema is not the rightful heir and that he took the position through elections that were meant to determine the regent as the heir was still very young. 'Ga se wa tsalo ya segosi. Ke kgosi ko Mathathane,' they said. They explained that after there was tension over the introduction of Babirwa sub ward that Malema had established but later disbanded due to public pressure, they approached him to hand over the throne to the rightful owner but he resisted. He was later appointed the Babirwa representative in the House of Chiefs. They said Malema does not appear anywhere in the hierachy of Bobirwa chieftainship.

Others said bogosi belongs to Sekoba people and blamed the inclusion of traditional leaders in the payroll as the cause of trouble among dikgosi.

After six hours of submissions Kgosi Sekgoma made out that the three claimants of the throne are all descendants of Mkahura and said this alone is enough to make inroads into the case. He did not make any ruling but asked the three to go and resolve the issue indoors and come back with their resolution in the next meeting which will be held on January 10 next year. 'I do not expect any knew submissions then but resolutions,' he said.