AG silent on dockets of extra-judicial killings

For the past two years, there has been a huge public outcry over a spate of killings of suspects at the hands of law enforcement officers such as the Botswana Police, Botswana Defence Force and Directorate on Intelligence and Security. Since April 1, 2008, 14 people have died at the hands of security forces

During, the official opening of the Legal year at the beginning of last month, the Attorney General, Athaliah Molokomme told the public that she has been informed that the Directorate of Public Prosecutions (DPP) received at least four dockets relating to cases which involved the death of persons who came in contact with law enforcement agencies. She added that DPP informed her that they (DPP) were in the final stages of assessing the evidence with respect to three of the cases.

Molokomme then stated that she would be in a position to make her decision on the matter in the upcoming weeks.

And in the fourth case, she said an inquest launched by the DPP recently ended, with the coroner's findings expected shortly.

However, a month after these revelations the public is yet to know which cases the A.G was referring to.  While Mmegi has faxed questionnaires to the chambers on the matter there has been nothing forthcoming except being told by the public relations department that the questions are still with the relevant authorities.

Security agents have shot 14 people in extra-judicial killings since April 2008, causing public condemnation from civil societies and opposition parties alike. The most publicised cases were the execution styled killings of John Kalafatis and the staged suicide/ murder of Italy Setlampoloka allegedly by the security agents they came into contact with. Surprisingly, the government has not make any official public statement on the killings.

However at a press conference, Vice-President Lieutenant General Mompati Merafhe made it clear that one or two shootings are nothing the public should cry about.