Teenage students under investigation for live bullet

'We got a report from Pandagala CJSS that two Form 2 boys were harassing teachers and that one of them actually fought with his teacher,' Jorowe said, adding that the incident happened on Tuesday. 'We rushed there and took the two students to the police station where we detained them. The discovery was made when we searched the students and their lockers for cellphones belonging to two teachers. The two boys were suspected to have stolen the cellphones.' The boys are aged 13 and 15. They have denied any knowledge of the bullet. The two cellphones they allegedly stole were found in the bushes just outside the school premises after teachers and police followed the boys' footprints.

'The sentence for this kind of offence - being found in possession of ammunition - is six months in prison,' Jorowe said.

Meanwhile, the body of a 23-year old man on was found hanging from a tree behind Tutume McConnell College on Tuesday. The body was immediately identified by the man's parents who said they had had a misunderstanding with their son the previous day.Further investigations into the cases continue.